Sunday, January 2, 2011


I just want to let you all know I plan on covering more than just recipes I try out. I'm a Nutrition major so I'll try to highlight health tips whenever possible. I'm a very spiritual person and that tends to bleed out into my cooking, so don't be surprised when "10 minute meditation" is included as an ingredient in a recipe. You don't have to do them, but I promise you'll notice a difference in the dish if you do.

Cooking is first and foremost a service to me. I can be paid in food and certainly can be bribed by it. I've traded brownies for labor and my favorite part of cooking is watching everyone else eat the dish. I put my heart and soul into everything I make and I can tell when the person has done the same in exchange.

I study botany and herbal medicine, so there may be some ingredients that you wouldn't think to include in a dish but are there for added health benefits. I don't always use organic ingredients, it depends on the dish itself. If I always use organic items in a certain dish I will let you know my preference.

Other than that I'm always open to suggestions. If you made any enjoyable tweaks to the recipes please share them! Comments and feedback is always appreciated.


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